1 day ago
my attempt to do the exercises in sicp.
Friday, July 4, 2008
sicp exercise 1.46
; Exercise 1.46. Several of the numerical methods described in this chapter are instances of an extremely
; general computational strategy known as iterative improvement. Iterative improvement says that, to
; compute something, we start with an initial guess for the answer, test if the guess is good enough,
; and otherwise improve the guess and continue the process using the improved guess as the new guess.
; Write a procedure iterative-improve that takes two procedures as arguments: a method for telling whether
; a guess is good enough and a method for improving a guess. Iterative-improve should return as its value
; a procedure that takes a guess as argument and keeps improving the guess until it is good enough. Rewrite
; the sqrt procedure of section 1.1.7 and the fixed-point procedure of section 1.3.3 in terms of
; iterative-improve.
(define (iterative-improve good-enough? improve-guess)
(lambda (x)
(define (iter guess)
(let ((improved-guess (improve-guess guess)))
(if (good-enough? guess improved-guess)
(iter improved-guess))))
(iter x)))
(define tolerance 0.00001)
(define (close-enough? v1 v2)
(< (abs (- v1 v2)) tolerance))
(define (fixed-point f first-guess)
((iterative-improve close-enough? f) first-guess))
(define (sqrt-iter guess x)
(if (close-enough? guess x)
(sqrt-iter (improve guess x) x)))
;(define (average x y) (/ (+ x y) 2))
(define (sqrt x)
((iterative-improve close-enough? (lambda(y) (/ (+ y (/ x y)) 2))) 1.0))
(display (sqrt 4))(newline)
(display (sqrt 300))(newline)
(display (sqrt 237))(newline)
(display (sqrt 2000000000))(newline)
(display (sqrt 4.49999999))(newline)
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